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Terms Of Service
Terms & Conditions


1 Subject matter of the contract and scope of application

2 Placement procedure

3 Terms of payment

4 Termination of the relationship

5 Liability

6 Copyright

7 Applicable law

8 Place of jurisdiction

9 Data protection

10 Severability Clause

1 Subject matter of the contract and scope of application


1.1 (hereinafter: AMZGAME) is an online intermediary between buyers (hereinafter: customers) and sellers of digital and virtual goods in the context of online games and games. Via their brokerage platforms gameladen.com,etc. (hereinafter: platform) provides AMZGAME sellers of digital and virtual goods to buyers. For this, the seller owes a fee in the form of an individually agreed commission to AMZGAME. The relationship between AMZGAME and the customer is free of charge.


1.2 The Vendors distribute and transfer products in digital and virtual form for a fee. The products are in particular


- Online goods such as coins, etc.

- Keys/GameCard codes (access codes or keys to certain[online] games)


The seller concludes the legal transaction for the sale of digital and virtual goods directly and directly with the customer. AMZGAME never owns the digital goods.


1.3 The relationship between AMZGAME and the customer is governed exclusively by the following General Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time of registration.


1.4 These GTC do not apply to the relationship between the customer and the seller. The terms of sale of the seller apply between the customer and the seller.


1.5 Should inaccuracies arise in translations of the GTC in a language other than German due to the translation, the GTC in German shall be deemed the authoritative version.


1.6 The customer is a contractual partner of AMZGAME International Limited. All transactions are conducted by AMZGAME International Limited, RM 1708, DOMINION CENTER, 43-59 QUEEN'S ROAD EAST, WANCHAI. These GTC are governed by Hong Kong law.

2 Placement procedure


2.1 The use of GameLaden requires the creation of a customer account. When registering, the customer must provide his first and last name, his address, a current e-mail address as well as a user name and a password. Registration is free of charge.


2.2 When creating an account, the Customer is asked to read and accept the terms of use and privacy policy of GameLaden. This is a prerequisite for registering with GameLaden.


2.3.AMZGAME makes available on its platform in the form of offer texts and images with "buy" buttons inviting the seller to submit an offer by the customer. After adding to the shopping cart via the "buy" button and clicking the "order" button at the end of the ordering process, the customer submits a legally binding offer for the respective product. AMZGAME forwards the offer to the respective seller, who can then accept it. If the seller accepts the offer, he delivers the product to the customer within the specified delivery time.


2.4 In the event of acceptance by the seller, AMZGAME will arrange contact between the seller and the customer.


2.5 The method of delivery is determined by the seller. The following types of delivery are possible:


- Keys/ Cards

        These are sent to the customer by an external service provider on behalf of the seller or by the seller.

- Comfort Trade

        The seller logs into the customer's account via an encrypted line, creates a new character and hands over the product to the customer.

- Mule Account

        The seller creates a new account, deposits the product there and then sends the customer the account name and password.

- Auction Site

        The customer places his order in an auction house in the game, the seller identifies him by e.g. the character name and orders the desired product.

3 Payment


3.1 The customer pays the purchase price marked by the seller on the AMZGAME platform to the seller.


3.2 Payment is made directly to the seller via AMZGAME's platform and account.


3.3 AMZGAME does not automatically collect payments at any time. Payment shall only be made after the Seller has examined and accepted the offer and only after active execution of the payment by the customer. The customer must select the desired method of payment anew for each order transaction and then enter the corresponding data again on the respective payment page. AMZGAME then carries out the payment processing.


3.4 The following payment methods are possible: Sofortüberweisung, , paysafecard, IMMEDIATELY bank transfer, Handypay, Mastercard, Visa, giropay, kash, cash payments etc. Vendors reserve the right to refuse certain methods of payment or to accept or demand methods of payment other than those listed here.

4 Termination of the relationship


4.1 Both the customer and AMZGAME are entitled to terminate the relationship between them at any time. This can be done by deleting the customer account. The customer must send AMZGAME a message (by email or via the "Contact" field on the AMZGAME platform) and request the deletion of his account. AMZGAME will respond to this request no later than the 5th day after receiving the message.


4.2.AMZGAME can equally end the relationship. In this case AMZGAME can temporarily or permanently block or delete the customer's account. Ongoing negotiations will complete AMZGAME after consideration of interests.

5 Liability


5.1 Claims of the customer for damages are excluded. Excluded from this are claims for damages of the customer from the injury of life, body, health or from the violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) as well as the liability for other damages, which are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by AMZGAME, its legal representatives or vicarious agents. Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment is necessary to achieve the objective of the contract.


5.2 In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, AMZGAME shall only be liable for foreseeable damage typical for the contract if such damage was caused by ordinary negligence, unless the customer's claims for damages are based on injury to life, body or health.


5.3 The limitations of paragraphs 1 and 2 also apply in favour of AMZGAME's legal representatives and vicarious agents if claims are asserted directly against them.


5.4.AMZGAME is not liable for measures of a provider of online games against the customer, especially not for the blocking of the customer's account or the deletion of his digital or virtual goods by the online game provider.


5.5 The Seller alone shall be liable for incorrect price labelling, defective or non-performance by the Seller, as well as for all other breaches of contract or risks in connection with the sale of the goods.


5.6 The provisions of the Product Liability Act shall always remain unaffected.


5.7 Independent guarantee promises remain unaffected.

6 Copyright


6.1 The content available on the platform is protected by copyright or other proprietary rights and is the property of AMZGAME or third parties who have made the respective content available. The compilation of the contents as such may be protected as a database or database work within the meaning of Sections 4 (2), 87a (1) Copyright Act (UrhG). The customer may only use this content in accordance with these GTC.


6.2 The content available on the platform comes partly from AMZGAME and partly from third parties. AMZGAME does not check third party content for completeness, correctness and legality and therefore accepts no responsibility for third party content.


6.3 The customer is prohibited from editing, modifying, presenting, publishing, exhibiting, duplicating or distributing the content available on the platform, in whole or in part, which he has not provided himself. Such contents are in particular photos, logos, texts, reports, scripts and programming routines, which are self-developed by AMZGAME or have been prepared by AMZGAME. The customer is also prohibited from removing or changing copyright notices, protection notices or marks of any kind.


6.4 Any use not expressly permitted in these GTC must be approved in writing by AMZGAME.


6.5 Paragraphs 1-4 apply exclusively to content that is independent of the purchase of the digital and virtual products, in particular not to the authorship of the digital and virtual products themselves.

7 Applicable law


These GTC are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Mandatory consumer protection regulations from the country in which the consumer concerned has his habitual residence remain applicable.




8 Place of jurisdiction


If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the relationship between the customer and AMZGAME is the registered office of AMZGAME. In all other respects, the legal place of jurisdiction of the parties shall apply.


Room D,Floor 23,7 Yuk Yat Street, To Kwa Wan,Kowloon,Hong Kong

9 Data protection


9.1 AMZGAME collects customer data as part of the brokerage and processing of contracts. AMZGAME pays particular attention to the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act. Without the customer's consent, AMZGAME will only collect, process or use the customer's personal data if this is necessary.


9.2 By registering on the AMZGAME platform, the user agrees to AMZGAME's terms of use and data protection.

10 Severability Clause


Should any provision of these GTC be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining GTC shall not be affected. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as legally possible to the will of the parties. The same applies in the event of a loophole.

1.5 Physical Product Ship Policy

A. The time frame of an order delivery is divided into two parts:

Processing time: 3-7 Days

Shipping time: 14~30 Days

B. Shipping methods: tandard Shipping Free /Priority Line / Express Shipping

C.Shipping fee:

Bzfuture Standard Shipping Free

Bzfuture Priority Line 5 EUR

Express Shipping 10 EUR

Note: Affected by Covid-19, there will be some delay on the delivery.

Email: service@gameladen.com

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